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Grilled Tomatoes and Peppers

9 Feb


4 ripe vine tomatoes

4 ripe red and yellow peppers( halved and seeded)

olive oil

sea salt

fresh ground pepper


Place tomatoes and peppers in a large bowl, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.20140209-102645.jpg

Heat up BBQ, place foil on rack and grill veggies on foil for about 3-5mins (sprinkle any left over oil and salt onto veggies when placed on the foil). Take veggies off the foil and place directly on the grill, using a fork to poke a few holes into each tomato. Rotate tomatoes frequently and place back on the foil after about 1-2mins. Keep peppers directly on the grill and rotate occasionally for about 5-10mins.

Serve immediately



Strawberry Mojito

21 Aug

I make this Mojito with tonic water instead of club soda and sugar, if you’re not a fan of tonic water then this isn’t for you.


ice cubes

1 lime

5 mint leaves

2 strawberies (sliced)

White Rum

Tonic water


Cut lime into wedges (4-8 wedges). Fill a tall glass a third of the way full with ice. Squeeze 2 lime wedges into a cocktail shaker, then place the wedges into the shaker. Add half of the strawberries, and mint leaves into the shaker, then crush everything together. Fill 1/3 of the shaker with ice. Add I shot of rum and 1 cup of tonic water, shake well. Put the remaining strawberries and mint leaves into glass with ices, lightly crush. Pour the rum mixture into the glass with ice, and fill the cup with more tonic water if needed. Garnish with a lime wedge stir and drink.

Note: This recipie only makes one drink. You can use any soft sweet fruit or berry in this drink

The Craving Chronicles

I have a sweet tooth and I'm not afraid to use it

Lea & Jay

(Gimlet, Mistletoe, Arwen)

saying and eating

Eating is always delicious, healthy eating feels even better!