Spaghetti Squash with a Lamb marinera sauce

29 May




1 pound ground lamb

5 ripe vine tomatoes

olive oil

2-3 garlic cloves minced

1 handful fresh basil chopped

salt and Peper to taste


1 spaghetti squash split in half and cleaned out

olive oil

salt and peper

1 cup water



Preheat oven to 400F. Drizzle inside of squash with olive oil and salt and paper to taste. lay inside down on a baking dish filled with about 1 cup 0f water. Bake for about 40-50 minutes, baked covered with foil for the first 35mins and then remove for remainder of baking time. IMG_2026

When squash is ready it can be easily scooped out of its shell, let cool because it will be very hot. It will be stringy like Spaghetti and is a great alternative. Scoop into a bowl when it has cooled enough to handle. IMG_2038


Blanch tomatoes to remove skin ( when removing tomato skins cut a shallow “x” at the base of the tomato just under the skin and soak in very hot water for about 5-10mins and skins should easily peal off) dice tomatoes and set aside. In a medium bowl mix chopped basil with ground lamb using your hands, add about 1 teaspoon of salt to this combination.

In a sauce pan, heat 2 table spoons of olive oil on medium-high heat. Add garlic and sauté for about 1 minute. Add lamb and basil mixture and sauté for about 5-10min until lamb is slightly browned . Add diced tomatoes and salt and paper to taste, stir IMG_2027. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for about 18-20mins, stirring occasionally. IMG_2029

Serve sauce over a plate of spaghetti squash and enjoy!


This is a great alternative to regular spaghetti!




One Response to “Spaghetti Squash with a Lamb marinera sauce”

  1. alifemoment May 30, 2014 at 10:20 am #

    Delicious recipe! 🙂

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